Make Reading Fun!

v Add voices to the characters!
Let’s hear your best witch voice! Have your kids add the special effect sounds for animals and explosions!
v Act out scenes in your living room!
Throw on some old costumes and make the story come alive!
v Design a craft based on the book!
Draw the characters, recreate something in the book, or make something new!
v Think up some fun foods!
Create a meal to tie-in to the book and read over dinner. Would you, could you, eat Green Eggs and Ham?
v Make it into a game!
When you’re done reading, take the story further with a game!
v Create a contest!
Ask trivia questions about the book and give out points or prizes for correct answers. For more fun, try games like Hangman or Family Feud to test their knowledge!
v Make up your own story!
Is there someone else you’d like to bring into the book? Is there something you can do differently? What happens after the last page?