v  When is the best time to read with my family?
There is no best time, just find a time that works for you and your family when everyone is home. It can be right before bed, at the dinner table, or on the weekend, it’s up to you!
v  Do I have to do it on the same night each week?
Not at all, just figure out what works into your schedule. It can be tough to coordinate multiple schedules, but don’t let your Family Read Night become just another chore. Let it be a fun activity and be flexible about when you have it.
v  Does it have to be only once a week?
Absolutely not! If you want to read more often with your family, go for it! There’s no limit to how often you can read and some families read every day!
v  My child doesn’t like to read, what should I do?
Let your child become more involved in the process by picking out the books. Let them roam the library until they find something that interests them. If you give them the power, they are more likely to want to read. You can also try many of the activities listed on our page!
v  How do I pick books my child will like?
There are plenty of resources to help you find books. Think about what books you enjoyed as a child or which books your friends read to their children. There is a list of recommendations on our page, as well as countless lists on the internet. You can also browse the library and see which books your children pick up. If all else fails, ask your children’s or teen’s librarian for a recommendation, they’re always happy to help!